Cranberry Curd Pop Tarts

Why be a hand pie when you could be a POP TART? Behold, homemade Pop Tarts that actually taste like ingredients that occur in nature! (And don’t take a ton of work to make. Promise!) Pop Tarts were a staple in my house growing up. They were so ubiquitous...

Kale and Brussels Sprout Salad with Dijon Vinaigrette

I realized this blog was starting to look a little too cheesy for its own good (take that as you will), so I’m out here trying to freshen things up a bit and convince you that I do, in fact, consume vegetables. Kale isn’t something I generally enjoy eating...

Broccoli Rice Casserole

We are now t-minus two weeks from Turkey Day in 2020, which will totally bizarro thanks to the ‘rona. Need help planning a menu? I shared a whole round-up of my favorite holiday dishes and drinks last year, which you can check out here. It only makes sense that...

Cheeseburger Mac and Cheese

The salad is just for decoration. Kidding! (Or am I?) Surely I am not the only person who has been craving comfort food like crazy lately, right? Casseroles, roasts, chili, grilled cheese. So. Much. Grilled. Cheese. I’m sure that’s just a sign of brain frittering away its last few...

Dill Pickle Pot Roast aka Pickle Beef

I am from a town perhaps best known for its annual Prime Beef Festival, so yes, of course I am fluent in all things cow. Well, all things cow that can be consumed, anyway. I’m not a bovine brainiac beyond knowing how to turn slabs of meat into meltingly...

Labneh Pimento Cheese

Y’all know how I feel about cheese balls, dips, and spreads: HELL YEAH. Y’all know how I feel about mayo: HARD PASS. So when I finally tried pimento cheese as an adult, I of course died a little bit when I realized I had dipped my chip with gusto...

Chicago Dog Panzanella

Oh, hey! It’s been a minute since I’ve posted because well… this has been a weird summer. And, as ever, hot dogs have brought me back to my happy place. Introducing Chicago Dog panzanella, for when you want to impress people but also constantly crave Chicago Dogs. Panzanella is...

Buttermilk Drop Biscuits

I haven’t posted a baking recipe in a hot minute. Fret not, my oven has been firing on all cylinders since this quarantine started and shows no signs of letting up. I’ve been tackling a lot of BIG KITCHEN PROJECTS lately. In the midst of tackling day-long projects like...

Flamin’ Hot Cheetos Fried Green Tomatoes

You know that part in Elf when Buddy ticks off the core food groups as it pertains to elf culture? This is my version: Hot Dogs Cheese Fries Pickles Flamin’ Hot Cheetos With a passion for Flamin’ Hot Cheetos as… flamin’ hot as mine is (I regret nothing), it...

Tuna Casserole

Tuna casserole: the queen of divisive nostalgic dishes from your childhood! You either love this or hate this. If you hate it, I promise there are other things for you to eat, so mosey on to another recipe. Now that we’re down to Team Tuna people, this takes 30...