Welcome to My Kitchen

Okay, so this is obviously not my kitchen, but this is the blood of my enemies.
jk it’s cranberry sauce

You’re probably here because you somehow know me or you have spent some sliver of your life looking at food I have cooked, eaten, or photographed over the years. (I’m, like, legit honored.)

So yeah, I’m starting a food blog. Nothing formal, just your run-of-the-mill mid-30s “DO I EVEN HAVE A PASSION, LET ALONE A PASSION PROJECT?” existential bullshit prompting me to indulge in my fantasy of being a (wildly less talented, well-traveled, and skilled) Samin Nosrat. Like, the hill people version who worked at Dairy Queen, not Chez Panisse.

Anyhoo. I’m just here to talk about food, show you things I’ve made, and probably share all of my bad dating stories along the way.