Tag: baking

Buttermilk Drop Biscuits

I haven’t posted a baking recipe in a hot minute. Fret not, my oven has been firing on all cylinders since this quarantine started and shows no signs of letting up. I’ve been tackling a lot of BIG KITCHEN PROJECTS lately. In the midst of tackling day-long projects like...

Easy No-Knead Country Bread

There is something so fulfilling about making your own bread, especially lately when everything feels like it’s going haywire and the future seems increasingly uncertain. It takes just a few ingredients to create something beautiful, nourishing, and hearty. I took up bread baking several years ago as an outlet...

Cinnamon Rolls with Spiced Rum Icing

I’ll always be a savory girl at heart, but cinnamon rolls are my preferred sweet breakfast treat. Growing up, my favorite weekend tradition was making Pillsbury cinnamon rolls from the can with my grandma. I still love those damn things, but I opt to make homemade cinnamon rolls these...