Tag: recipe

Labneh Pimento Cheese

Y’all know how I feel about cheese balls, dips, and spreads: HELL YEAH. Y’all know how I feel about mayo: HARD PASS. So when I finally tried pimento cheese as an adult, I of course died a little bit when I realized I had dipped my chip with gusto...

Chicago Dog Panzanella

Oh, hey! It’s been a minute since I’ve posted because well… this has been a weird summer. And, as ever, hot dogs have brought me back to my happy place. Introducing Chicago Dog panzanella, for when you want to impress people but also constantly crave Chicago Dogs. Panzanella is...

Buttermilk Drop Biscuits

I haven’t posted a baking recipe in a hot minute. Fret not, my oven has been firing on all cylinders since this quarantine started and shows no signs of letting up. I’ve been tackling a lot of BIG KITCHEN PROJECTS lately. In the midst of tackling day-long projects like...

Flamin’ Hot Cheetos Fried Green Tomatoes

You know that part in Elf when Buddy ticks off the core food groups as it pertains to elf culture? This is my version: Hot Dogs Cheese Fries Pickles Flamin’ Hot Cheetos With a passion for Flamin’ Hot Cheetos as… flamin’ hot as mine is (I regret nothing), it...

Tuna Casserole

Tuna casserole: the queen of divisive nostalgic dishes from your childhood! You either love this or hate this. If you hate it, I promise there are other things for you to eat, so mosey on to another recipe. Now that we’re down to Team Tuna people, this takes 30...

Spicy Strawberry Balsamic Jam

Here in Illinois, we learned our stay-at-home order (the kinder, softer rebranding of SHELTER IN PLACE) will be extended to May 30. I am loathe to complain about this, seeing as we are protecting each other as much as we are going feral being trapped in our homes without...

Mint and Dill Labneh Dip

So we’re still stuck sittin’ at home, watching our roots eclipse the fashionable levels once rocked by Madonna and telling Netflix YES I AM STILL FUCKING HERE AND WATCHING, STOP REMINDING ME You could probably use both a mindless kitchen project and a snack refresh. You’re in luck, because...

Beans, Beans, the Musical Fruit

The more you eat, the more you TOOOOOOOOOOOOT And from what I have gathered over the last month of pillaged and looted canned goods aisles at the grocery stores, y’all are tootin’ up a veritable shitstorm literally and figuratively. COVID-19 is wild, y’all. For someone who has an unpleasant...

Easy No-Knead Country Bread

There is something so fulfilling about making your own bread, especially lately when everything feels like it’s going haywire and the future seems increasingly uncertain. It takes just a few ingredients to create something beautiful, nourishing, and hearty. I took up bread baking several years ago as an outlet...

Homemade Egg Noodles

Welcome to our new normal. Sheltering in place, self-quarantines, that deeply unsettling “So when does this start to feel like Mad Max?” aura permeating the air. None of this is normal. But it is our new normal. So, please stay the fuck inside. Seriously. Use this homebound time to...